
July 31, 2007

Another sad farewell: Michelangelo Antonioni (1912 - 2007)

In the same day we receive the sad news of Ingmar Bergman's death, another legend of cinema passed away: Michaelangelo Antonioni. A figure of enormous importance in the history of Italian cinema, Antonioni will always be remembered for immortal classics such as "L'avventura" ("The Adventure"), "La notte" ("The Night") and "Blow-Up". Aged 94, BBC reports that Antonioni died peacefully, which probably is a good thing and we can only be thankful for his long and productive life. I must confess I'm not as familiar with Antonioni's work as I'd like to, but his death, together with Bergman's, certainly leave a void that will be hard to fill for the future generations of filmmakers. In less than 24 hours two giants of filmmaking. A sad day for cinema indeed.

Riposa in pace.


BUDOKAN said...

Parece que esta semana ha sido un poco trágica para el mundo del cine. Debo aclarar que no soy un gran adepto a estos dos directores pero han dejado una huella imborrable en mi memoria con sus imágenes. Saludos!

Marin Mandir said...

Now I know from what film that picture is - L'avventura. Just saw it lately. Nice salute to Antonioni from your side.